
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Long Time, No See

Here I am, guys; I haven't died yet. So, why was I inactive on this blog for... oh my God... a month? Well, real life things got in the way, you know, things such as my sister getting married (congrats, sister) and me finishing the music school (thank God) and having the first ever gig with Storm (yay). It really isn't surprising that I haven't posted for a month. But, here I am, stronger and more (damn, I've already used that one).Anyway, this is just a quick post for me to sort of get back on track, and for you to know that I'm still out there. My book is going very well, and the prologue will be published on this blog next week for your enjoyment and commentage (hope it's not too bad). Also, the first episode of my podcast is in the works. The podcast will be essentially the same as this blog (without prolonged gaps between the posts, though).
The gig at Srce: it was so much fun. We were the first to climb the stage, which proved a real bummer because half of the people we invited weren't there. On the other hand, we were the only band out of nine that played an encore, which is awesome. The comments are pretty good; many people were surprised at our professional sound, considering we're only together for three months.
So, that's it for this time. One final note: I promise to post at least once a week. The podcast episodes may appear a little more rarely, but every two weeks sounds all right to me. See you next time, which will be on monday (or maybe tuesday)...